

Saturday, April 4, 2015

It is Finished

"When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar He said, It is finished and He bowed His Head, and gave up the ghost." John 19:30 KJV

We were privileged to attend the service at Crossroads in Cincinnati, Ohio last evening (Good Friday) entitled "an easter experience".  What a wonderful evening!  The senior pastor and some of the musicians traveled to the city of Jerusalem to the spot where Jesus spent his last days on earth during the Passover celebration and through His crucifixion. Through video and live music production, we were carried back those many years to Christ's experiences as He gave His life for our sins.

Everyone was given a small box upon entering the theatre that contained dirt of the earth, a rock symbolizing the heavy load we are carrying in our hearts, a crude nail representing the nails that were driven into the hands of Jesus and a communion kit with the bread symbolizing Christ's body and grape juice (wine) symbolizing Christ's blood that he shed for us on the cross.

There were approximately 3000 people in attendance in this one of several productions throughout the Easter season.  It was very touching when that congregation partook of communion all at the same time.

To quote from the Crossroads program:
"The Easter story begins with a group of friends around a supper table.  They don't know it, but it's the last time they'll break bread and drink wine together.  Before the night is over, their friend Jesus will be betrayed by one of their own in a garden called Gethsemane, arrested and put on trial in front of a conflicted governor named Pilate.  At Pilate's house, Jesus is ridiculed, beaten and tortured.  Soldiers gambled for His things, and finally, Jesus is sentenced to death.
On a mountaintop called "Skull," Jesus is nailed to a cross.  He dies.  And His friends from supper the night before cry out, weep, hide and carry His body to a tomb not far away.  They trust His body will be safe.  But Jesus was never known for being safe.  Two days later, His body is gone.  But He's not missing and He wasn't stolen.  Jesus came back to life.  He is alive.
Today, walk with us through the Old City of Jerusalem and visit these real places where Jesus ate, wept, died and came back to life."

This experience impacted our family as well as I am sure it did for each of the people in attendance.  We felt anew the magnificent gift of eternal life bestowed upon each of us by Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.  All we have to do is receive this gift into our very own lives and commit to serving Him.

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